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How to Boost Appointment Conversions with Positive First Impressions

It’s crucial to equip your staff with effective phone handling strategies that can make a lasting impression and persuade callers to choose your dealership.

The Basics of a Retention Program

Through your own custom loyalty program, you can brand your dealership and give each customer an incentive to return.

7 Automakers Unite to Create High-Powered Charging Network

The joint venture will include the development of a new, high-powered charging network with at least 30,000 chargers to make zero-emission driving even more attractive for millions of customers.

UpdatePromise Becomes Autosoft Preferred Fixed Ops Partner and Solution

This partnership empowers dealerships to streamline their operations by eliminating the need for multiple service solutions and seamlessly integrating with Autosoft’s software.

Dealerships That Employ Digital Solutions in Fixed Ops Experience Higher Profitability

Forward-thinking dealers who embrace digital technology and automation within their overall operations have a 64% higher net profit vs. static dealers.

Fixed Ops Roundtable Launches Certified Program

Award program will recognize high-performing auto dealerships and retail automotive partners in the U.S.

The Digital Dilemma: How to Rethink Sales and Delivery to Drive a Successful Car Buying Future

By taking the right steps, traditional car dealers can still compete, win and flourish, even as digital sales become more prolific.

Study: Digital Solutions in Fixed Ops Lead to Higher Service Profitability, Efficiencies

Cox Automotive surveyed more than 500 dealerships at various stages of implementing future-forward strategies designed to help them overcome future challenges.

How EVs Affect Used Car Reconditioning

Whatever the propulsion system, two foundational truths must be core to understanding key performance metrics, Days in Recon and Time to Line.

Reynolds and Reynolds, Draiver Elevate the Dealer CX with Uber for Business

The companies aim to boost customer satisfaction scores and fixed operations revenue.