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Micromanaging for the Win

Being directive can be an incredibly useful tool to take someone new to a task to get the best out of them.

Negative Equity

The number of dealer-arranged finance transactions with negative equity is increasing, as is their dollar amount.

The Donkeys and The Eagles

We all know that there’s a very big difference between treating people equally and treating them fairly, but too often, this bit of common sense is ignored.

CallSource, AutoID Partner with Proactive Dealer Solutions

The agreement will give them the ability to integrate PDS’s AI-powered application program interface for its speech recognition, voice biometrics and predictive modeling.

NADA 2020 Digital Super Track

The new NADA Digital Super Track⁠ will help attendees get hyper-focused on the digital aspects of their dealership.

NADA 2020 Distinguished Speaker Series

Learn how to take your business to the next level by attending the Distinguished Speaker Series.

3 Steps to Increase Organic Website Traffic

Dealers know SEO is important, but they sometimes forget why or lose sight of its impact. They earmark marketing funds to optimize their websites, but too few agencies and dealers effectively monitor and measure what they’re getting for that ad spend. If you can’t measure it, how do you know if it’s working?

Safety Recalls: Think You’re Covered?

Dealers may be unaware of the rules and regulations of recall information, and could be using flawed information.

How Employee Retention Impacts Owner Retention

You don’t tolerate underachievers in sales, but do you maintain a safe haven for them in your fixed operations?

National Clean Your Desk Day: Why Limit Yourself to One Day?

A messy desk isn’t just bad for productivity, it also presents a security threat.

Clean up your desk day