You searched for advertising - Page 31 of 56 - AutoSuccessOnline Appoints New Vice President and GM Julie Scott

Scott will drive growth in’s national sales channel, focusing on business-driving advertising solutions for OEMs, regional dealership groups and brands looking to tap into’s insights and its audience of more than 22 million unique visitors each month.

OfferUp’s Nationwide Auto Dealer Program Now Includes 2,000 Dealers

In response to consumer interest and growth, OfferUp created the Verified Auto Dealers program to provide digital tools that make it easier for dealers to buy and sell cars locally.

2 Strategies to Bump Up Service Business

The average dealership spends $10,000 a month on pay-per-click or search engine marketing. Less than one-fifth of that is allocated to promote the service department. This is a huge missed opportunity.

How to Design a Fixed Ops Marketing Plan

Now is the time to evaluate your fixed operations marketing plan for 2020. Remember to give all of your customers reasons to keep coming back and they will reward you with big dividends.

Digital Marketing Summit for Toyota Dealers

The STRONG Digital Marketing Summit will cover the future of digital marketing and advertising, applied specifically to Toyota dealerships. Presenters will cover topics like paid search, service marketing, YouTube pre-roll ads, and local marketing.

Cox Automotive Rates & Incentives Now Delivers Data Faster, With Better Accuracy Than Ever

Cox Automotive Rates & Incentives (CAR&I) is announcing the introduction of three new enhancements that will generate a more consistently accurate industry indicator of retail buying motivation available on a monthly basis.

How to Capitalize on the Opportunities of the Renewed Consumer Focus on Used Vehicles

Today’s car buyers conduct thorough research on where they can find the best deal, presenting an extra layer of challenges to used vehicle sales. However, there are solutions in place that can turn this into yet another opportunity by capturing digital attention, driving traffic and ultimately bringing in more revenue.

Autotrader Launches New Marketing Campaign to Improve Car-Buying Experience

Autotrader announced it is launching a new “Finally, It’s Easy” integrated national marketing campaign designed to bring excitement and ease back into the car-buying experience.

Get Involved in Your Community in a Big Way

Dealership marketing is more complex now than ever before. Many questions must be considered, such as, “Is traditional marketing dead or is digital overcrowded and overpriced?” “Should we use direct mail or not?” “Do customers even need to see a beautiful building and a clean lot packed with desirable inventory anymore?”

Positive or Negative Motivation — Which Works Best?

In our drive to get the best results out of the people we manage or teach or coach or parent, we may adopt methods that appeal to our fundamental need to control outcomes.