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Internalize Paint Repairs — Drive Savings and Boost Efficiency

Gene Brooks of Graham Auto Mall recognized an opportunity to optimize the vehicle reconditioning process by internalizing the paint chip repair process. By partnering with Dr. ColorChip, they began performing paint repairs internally, saving costs and improving efficiency.

How to Use Call Analytics to Improve Phone Handling

Which parts of your phone handling process are breaking down? Learn how analytics can help improve your first interactions.

Recession Protection Strategies to Increase & Retain Your Working Capital 

Six strategies you should consider to increase profitability at your dealership.

Entrepreneurship, Not for the Faint of Heart

Here are one entrepreneur’s top five characteristics you need to explore within yourself to see if you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

How EVs Affect Used Car Reconditioning

Whatever the propulsion system, two foundational truths must be core to understanding key performance metrics, Days in Recon and Time to Line.

In a Fickle Market, How Do We Continue Winning Customers for Life?

It is imperative to ask the right questions to find out what motivates your customers. Getting to know the customer means getting to know their needs and that benefits everyone. 

Mastering the Art of Dealership Content Marketing 

Content marketing has emerged as a powerful marketing technique, generating more leads than traditional methods at a significantly lower cost.

Are You Cutting Prices or Raising Value?

The best deals are when both parties go away feeling like a winner. Here are five steps to take in the sales process to make this happen.

Control Your Message

Almost anything you are currently doing to communicate with your customer or make the customer experience better can be made simpler and easier with a dealer-branded mobile app.

Before You Make a Video…

Here are a few tips for creating value proposition, service special or test-drive videos. With a little planning you can quickly produce high-quality videos for your dealership.

taking video of car with phone
Raising ChatGPT

Are you putting your dealership’s marketing in the hands of a 10-year-old with access to the internet?

Mining Industry Experience & Data to Excel Today & Into the Future

By expanding their organic reach and providing customized content for their audiences, Price Automotive Group has elevated its market share to No. 1.