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What’s Your Store Culture and How’s That Working Out for You?

Have you created a process-driven and engaged culture that creates the revenue you’ve dreamed of and knew you were capable of?

How Top Employers Make New Members Feel Welcome

The first step is to communicate workplace expectations. Before any employee gets started, hiring managers should ask themselves if they’ve covered the basic things that the individual will need to do their job successfully.

Performance-Based Service Pay Plans

Train them on how to sell, and them compensate them based on their efforts. Remember, if a good salesperson wants a pay raise he simply looks in the mirror and asks for one.

Happy With Your Time to Line?

Time to line (T2L) is a must-have metric for every dealership, one a best-practices store cannot afford to do without or work from a guesstimate.

Auto/Mate Integrates DMS With DocuBizz

When integrated into the DMS, the DocuBizz workflow solution offers benefits to single and multi-location auto dealers.

Is Your Customer Retention Costing You Opportunity?

Are you losing existing customers at about the same rate as you’re adding new ones? Do the math in your store and compare last year’s RO performance to this year’s. Is your traffic going up, going down or remaining stagnant?

How To Grow a Fixed Ops Sales Team

Establish your sales goals for all departments and outline your plan for implementation. Think big and be bold! Measure everyone’s performance daily.

Is Your Customer Retention Costing You Opportunity?

It’s time for you to get committed and start holding everyone accountable for their individual performance to get on track for making this your best year ever in fixed operations.

If It Ain’t Broke – Break It!

Something exciting is about to happen to your employee retention, which will result in ongoing owner retention.

What’s Your Store Culture and How’s that Working Out for You?

You will have created the process driven and engaged culture that will create the revenue you dreamed of, knew you were capable of, and you will have created the culture that accomplished just that.