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Virtual Reality: What’s the Big Deal?

The auto industry is evolving rapidly, but no innovation has as much potential to move buyers faster to a purchase with a unique and compelling presentation as virtual reality. We’re just at the beginning of what this exciting new technology can offer dealers.

SEO and SEM: Working Better Together

With the ability to create a full encompassing digital strategy that is effective and trackable, my hope is that dealers will begin to see how spending their advertising dollars should change to meet consumer behavior using data.

Four Tips on Making Sense of Social Media

So, if it’s inevitable, why not embrace it and see what it has to offer? Much like boarding a boat pulling out from the dock, however, you need to get in or stay out; one foot on the boat and the other on the dock is not a position for success.

Demystifying Marketing: Four Secrets to Successfully Sell Your Service Department

Don’t let marketing overwhelm you. These four surefire tactics will help you create messaging that brings in more customers; and more revenue.