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2 Simple Tracks to Increase Your Survey Scores and Returns, I Promise

It’s not easy getting customers to return surveys these days. Usually, they consider it a waste of their time unless they are extremely impressed or extremely irritated by the service they received.

Thinking Bigger: Principles That Helped Facebook Succeed

I just returned from speaking at Facebook’s annual Auto Summit in Austin, TX, and it is amazing how much they have grown over the last 10 years. I was reminded of the first time I visited their old offices in 2011.

The Chatbot Won’t Save Your Business

Chatbots: the latest buzzword in the automotive industry. Effective solution or hype?

As all this talk about chatbots comes to the forefront of our lives, we need to take a hard look at reality versus science fiction. Right now, the machine-learning industry is the driving force of the chatbot ecosystem, while the technology world works toward the world of real artificial intelligence (AI).

Megasys Partners With Dealertrack

The latest partnership integration quickens the indirect loan decisioning process with dealers utilizing Dealertrack’s Credit Application Network solution.

The Benefits of Pulling Multiple Bureaus

It’s not that one credit bureau is consistently high and the others are low; it totally depends on the unique credit profile housed at the various credit bureau providers.

How the Experience Economy Will Drastically Change the Automotive Industry in 2018

More than anything, people crave experiences. Consumers are spending more on traveling, dining out and going to the theater — and less on material goods. Their desire for unique, authentic experiences has fueled the rapid growth of companies like Airbnb. In the restaurant industry, pop-up restaurants, food trucks and experiential dining venues continue to increase in popularity.

The ROI of a Proactive Dealership Culture

There’s a hard dealership truth those of us in this business confront every day: Staff turnover is incredibly high. According to Cox Automotive’s Dealership Staffing Study, the average annual turnover at a dealership is 40 percent, with an astounding 67 percent turnover rate for salespeople. Most dealers know turnover affects their business, but many dealers think there’s nothing they can do about it.

Defining a Clear Service BDC Strategy – Three Keys to Increasing Profits and Retention

The pipeline is full. When a seven-year sales streak ends, it will usually imply bad news. Perhaps it would be bad news in an industry such as big box retailing or with real estate’s housing supply, but it has the potential to be good news if you’re a retailer in the U.S. automobile industry.

Are You Managing Your A-Level Salespeople Straight to Your Competition?

Managers need to be held accountable for the development of their sales team. A revolving door for salespeople is not a recipe for success. The days of tossing 12 green peas at the wall and hoping a few stick are gone.

How the Experience Economy Will Drastically Change the Automotive Industry in 2018

As Maya Angelou famously said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” To succeed in the experience economy, dealers need to create authentic, brand-relevant experiences that customers connect with and that makes them feel valued.