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The Question You Must Answer

The answer could be the difference between an “average” and “exceptional” career.

Think You Know Everything You Need to Know?

How far do you think “the way we’ve always done it” mindsets will take us in this ever-evolving marketplace?

Do You Have the 4 Characteristics Necessary To Be a Servant Leader?

How does your management style stack up when seen in the light? Are you truly a servant leader, or do you need to make up some ground? It’s not always easy to serve those who we lead, but the results are well worth the effort.

Be the Positive Person: Building a Better Circle Begins with Our Own Attitudes

Instead of blindly following poor performers down the path of negativity, refuse to give in to pessimism, cynicism and hopelessness.

Can You Win the Race to the Bottom?

When cost is the only concern, dealerships don’t build relationships with their clients; they are simply taking orders.

In Our Control vs Beyond Our Control

While we can’t plan precisely how the day is going to go, especially in a retail setting, we can start our day by preparing the best we can for whatever is coming our way.

The Twin Building Blocks for a Healthy Relationship

When we both contribute our best efforts is when we’re building a life together that will weather any storm.

Freedom & Independence

When we frame the discussion in terms of freedom and independence, we find goals worthy of our effort.

Little Things Will Make a Difference

By paying attention to the little things we can serve our guests better, and they’ll be more likely to reward us with their business.

Micromanaging for the Win

Being directive can be an incredibly useful tool to take someone new to a task to get the best out of them.