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The Essential Fabric That Helps Transform Recon Centers: How to Weave Threads of Commercial Into a High-Energy Reconditioning Fabric for Success

Those who study my ideas about how to transform reconditioning know I promote speeding up time to market (TTM), reducing holding costs and centralizing recon operations. I’ll review those fundamentals shortly. First, though, an argument for the essential fabric. This is the one asset — perhaps more than any other — that can upgrade recon

​Recalls Can Jam Up Your Lot – Are You Covered?

“What’s with all these customer’s cars stacking up out back?” What advice does a risk manager give his clients regarding these ever-increasing recalls? Lately, I find myself fielding calls from clients around the country concerned about how to manage the potential risk they face in selling a vehicle to a retail customer when that vehicle

Change Management: The “Upward Climb” With New Dealership Tech

Adopting new technology in a dealership is an important business decision that requires a process to ensure success. A comprehensive, user-friendly technology platform can be extremely advantageous and profitable to your dealership. It makes collecting data easier, provides the ability to mine existing customer information, and even helps integrate sales, service, inventory acquisition and other

How to Engage and Win the Lucrative Millenial and iGenerations

Imagine you send and receive as many as 3,000 text messages a month, but make and receive fewer than 150 phone calls. Imagine you read reviews on blogs and other social media platforms before a purchase instead of asking the opinions of friends or family. Imagine you share virtually everything that happens in your life

Click or Treat: Three Ghoulish Tricks for Better PPC Results

All advertising inspires additional online research. The challenge is how to influence consumers as they enter keywords and navigate through search engine results. Text ads are just one of the many moving parts in a successful PPC strategy — but they are an important component. A combination of PPC best practices and creativity will lead

Don’t Just Target – Video Retarget for Better Campaign Results

Retargeting is a hot trend in online advertising these days. Retargeting (also known as remarketing) campaigns serve ads up to customers who have previously engaged with your Website. When customers leaves your Website, retargeting ads appear to them as they travel around the Internet. The purpose is to keep your brand and products in front

Does Your Dealership Preload Vehicles and Use Addendum Labels?

Do you preload vehicles and use addendum labels? If so, there are a few things to keep in mind to accurately and professionally present options you offer your clients in this socially connected world. Before we begin, I want to clarify that I am not an attorney and you should consult your legal counsel for

Vehicle E-Commerce: Why Would Today’s Dealers Stay Relevant in the New Sales Dynamics?

Barath Ashokkumar & Anand Sethuraman The biggest revolution currently underway is taking place neither in the manufacturing plant nor in the innovation labs, but in people’s living rooms. What started off as a demonstration of online shopping systems in 1979 has now exploded into a world of e-Bays and Amazons. With every kind of retailer


An expectation is something we think about but maybe unconsciously take for granted in establishing our dealership’s culture, or the way we conduct business on a daily basis. Do we really take the time to fully understand exactly what this word means? We should, because it is an important key to our success as an

Staffed Events: A “Go Go” or a “No No”?

In the fourth quarter, forecasting becomes tougher with seasonality and holidays. You never know when that blizzard or hurricane can hit, so it is always good idea to reserve a staffed event — either as an avenue to move old inventory, get that shot in the arm to make up a deficiency in sales tracking