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Vehicle E-Commerce: Why Would Today’s Dealers Stay Relevant in the New Sales Dynamics?

Barath Ashokkumar & Anand Sethuraman The biggest revolution currently underway is taking place neither in the manufacturing plant nor in the innovation labs, but in people’s living rooms. What started off as a demonstration of online shopping systems in 1979 has now exploded into a world of e-Bays and Amazons. With every kind of retailer


An expectation is something we think about but maybe unconsciously take for granted in establishing our dealership’s culture, or the way we conduct business on a daily basis. Do we really take the time to fully understand exactly what this word means? We should, because it is an important key to our success as an

Staffed Events: A “Go Go” or a “No No”?

In the fourth quarter, forecasting becomes tougher with seasonality and holidays. You never know when that blizzard or hurricane can hit, so it is always good idea to reserve a staffed event — either as an avenue to move old inventory, get that shot in the arm to make up a deficiency in sales tracking

Using the Tools Available to You: Today’s Tech Allows for Instant Improvement

Stop, for a moment, and consider the technology that you most likely have on you at this very moment. In addition to being your telephone, instant messenger, camera, music player, podcast catcher and occasional flashlight, that computer in your pocket can provide you with tools to help you connect with customers, develop as a professional

Building Today’s Communication Tool Box

The ways in which we communicate are ever changing, and that means thriving businesses must always be on the lookout for ways to update and clean out their communication tool boxes.

Four Tips on Making Sense of Social Media

So, if it’s inevitable, why not embrace it and see what it has to offer? Much like boarding a boat pulling out from the dock, however, you need to get in or stay out; one foot on the boat and the other on the dock is not a position for success.

Bridging the Gap Between Data and Actionable Data

Complete the picture of the customer journey and you can deliver relevant messaging at the right time. How do we complete that picture? How do we turn raw, useless data into consumable information that we can act upon? 

Demystifying Marketing: Four Secrets to Successfully Sell Your Service Department

Don’t let marketing overwhelm you. These four surefire tactics will help you create messaging that brings in more customers; and more revenue.

Don’t Blow Your Budget During Election Season: How to Make the Most of Your Ad Spend Until November 8

By Katie Barth, Marketing Manager PureCars Ten years ago, politicians relied primarily on traditional advertising to further their campaign efforts. Refocus on 2016: When is the last time you saw an advertisement for the upcoming election outside of television? Candidates are dominating across all mediums: from traditional to mobile, Facebook to Twitter, and YouTube to

Don’t Blow Your Budget During Election Season: How to Make the Most of Your Ad Spend Until November 8

Ten years ago, politicians relied primarily on traditional advertising to further their campaign efforts. Refocus on 2016: When is the last time you saw an advertisement for the upcoming election outside of television? Candidates are dominating across all mediums: from traditional to mobile, Facebook to Twitter, and YouTube to Snapchat. There’s one thing both candidates