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How Dealers Can Win Against Aftermarket Service Centers

Even before they make their first appointment, many of today’s customers are already skeptical about servicing their vehicles at a dealership.

Rethinking Rewards Cards

Instead of looking at rewards cards as just more work, put yourself in the customer’s shoes. Get creative, drive more business, the sky is the limit if you become as engaged in the program as you want your customer to be.

Mobile Einstein Launches Mobile Customer VIP, GEO-Fencing & GEO-Mobile Sales App with Over 30 OEMs

The mobile solution, that is renowned for helping auto groups to sell and service more cars, has been launched by numerous dealerships across the following OEMs.

What’s Apping?

Mobile apps are about the customer. This is a great communication tool between the customer and the service department.

Training Your Service Customers Pays Big Dividends

Did someone say “sell more cars?” Isn’t it about time you get serious about service and start training your service customers?

Turning in the Right Direction

Sometimes, to make a difference and turn things around, a leader must throw out the old playbook and write a new one.

That is exactly what General Sales Manager Les Nunez did two years ago when he arrived at Lou Bachrodt Mazda, located in Coconut Creek, Florida. Fast forward to today, and those changes are showing up on the bottom line.

Understanding Rewards

A solid rewards program is not trying to trick the customer into doing business but thank them for their business in a meaningful way.

How Automation Puts the “Special” in Dealer Website Specials

Good Website vendors understand that specials maintenance is one of the more annoying aspects of content management for dealers. They dedicate tons of development into streamlining the process with automation and other tools.

Add a Little Magic to the Experience

Discounts are a bribe. You are spending money to gain business and hoping it leads to more business. With a loyalty program, it is just the opposite. The customer gives us business and then we give them the “thank you.”

Three Scenarios Live Chat Will Fix in Your Service Drive

The phone shouldn’t be the only way customers connect with the dealership. This bottleneck limits your potential to serve more customers. Live chat opens engagement avenues, freeing your staff to focus on customers at your dealership.