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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Role of Chat

Huzzah! We’ve finally entered a time where car dealers no longer see digital communication as a hot commodity, but a necessity. Unfortunately, it coincides with a boom in communications technology and a surge in chat vendors trying to sell dealers “shiny new things.”

With so many options, how do you discern what features work and which ones are just smoke and mirrors? How do you protect your customers from terrible online service? How do you make sure your chat investment makes you money?

Don’t Panic. This five-step guide has all the information you need to find the most effective chat solution in today’s landscape.

Morgan Auto Turns Up Sales by Tuning Up Internet Lead Conversion

The Florida-based dealership chain posted an impressive 2.2 percent increase in same-store sales last year, handily beating the mere 0.3 percent growth for the industry.

That organic growth came at a time when Morgan was aggressively buying and consolidating other dealerships to make it one of the fastest-growing dealership chains in the country.Morgan leaped 29 rungs on the Automotive News Top 150 Dealers list this year, clocking in at No. 49 (the first time it cracked the top 50). New unit sales soared 45 percent last year, with total sales projected to hit $1.45 billion this year.

Evolving Automotive Technology: What’s Next, Part 3

For the final section of our look at the evolving automotive landscape, we’ve asked our Dealer Panel what’s surprised them, and what they see coming down the road.

Recalculate Your GPS for Success by utilizing BradleyOnDemand and Money Mind Mapp

We are in the fourth quarter of 2016 — is your dealership delivering the units you anticipated? Are your net profits in line with annual projections? Are all of your salespeople averaging 18+ units per month? How would you rate your client satisfaction? Your online reputation? Is your dealership flooded with repeat business and referrals,

Executive Spotlight with Ben Chodor of CallRevu

Ben’s insights provide a clear picture of how AI and machine learning are not just modernizing auto dealerships but are also crucial in shaping their future toward greater efficiency, enhanced customer engagement and increased sales performance.

ben chodor - ceo of callrevu
How Generative AI Is Impacting Auto Lending Compliance

What is often left out of recent headlines, is the extraordinary power of AI to reduce harm, including fair lending and discrimination risks.

How AI and Automation Revolutionizes Dealer Sales Operations

Powering sales operations with AI and automation gives dealers an outsized advantage in their market, getting sales from shoppers they never thought possible.

FlickFusion Offers AI-Driven Vehicle Merchandising Services

AI flags and reports potential compliance violations, enhances and corrects most commonly found photo and video issues for auto dealers, OEMs and third-party vehicle marketplaces.

Impel Launches AI-Powered Virtual Photo Booth

The company’s AI-powered Virtual Booth technology delivers an authentic photo booth viewing experience without the need for capital investments, additional hardware or dedicated physical space.

ChatGPT Video Workshop

This workshop aims to demystify ChatGPT, conveying its strengths, shortcomings and best practices in the form of promise, perils and prompts.