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Success Story: First Team Chevy Becomes No. 1 in 2016 

Leading the Hampton Roads Area with a New Strategy Located in Hampton, Virginia, Hampton Chevrolet is one of 12 stores in the First Team Auto Group.[…]

GM’s are Finding Hidden Revenue in Recon and You Can, Too

It is becoming increasingly critical that dealership operators recognize how reconditioning practices affect bottom line profitability. Unstructured and unmonitored recon practices create waste and costs that erode used car gross. On the other hand, GMs will transform their recon operations into profit centers when they use a time-based, continuous improvement strategy to drive this critical

The Essential Fabric That Helps Transform Recon Centers: How to Weave Threads of Commercial Into a High-Energy Reconditioning Fabric for Success

Those who study my ideas about how to transform reconditioning know I promote speeding up time to market (TTM), reducing holding costs and centralizing recon operations. I’ll review those fundamentals shortly. First, though, an argument for the essential fabric. This is the one asset — perhaps more than any other — that can upgrade recon