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Solving the Automotive Digital Marketing Puzzle: Budgets, Inventory and Funnels

As a kid, I remember it taking me about an hour and a half to solve the original Rubik’s Cube. It was deductive “if-then” reasoning that got me through that task then and still guides me today. I’ll admit, though, that it sometimes takes me longer than an hour and a half to solve some of today’s automotive digital marketing puzzles (wink, wink).

Success Story: Happiness Breeds Success

A Positive Team and Smart Marketing Will Keep Your Customers Happy (and Coming Back) Click cover to read from our digital magazine​The old real estate saying that the value of a property depends on three factors - location, location and location – can also hold true for car dealerships.At first glance, the location of Rallye Motors and Rallye Acura seems perfect. Both dealerships sit along the New York’ […]

2017 Marketing Strategy Guide: 4 Components                 to Success

Automotive marketing and the consumer’s path to purchase are constantly evolving. Using the strategy you started 2016 with is not going to cut it come January. There are four key areas to success that must be at the forefront of your planning for 2017. ​ Read our entire issue – Click here ​ 1. Website Your dealership

What Is The Big Deal With Facebook? If You Don’t Know, You Better Ask Someone.

How did Bryan Honda spend $150 on a campaign and sell seven vehicles — with more leads still being worked — in just seven days? Let’s start by saying that this was in Fayetteville, North Carolina during the recent hurricane. They had flooded cities all around them and I-95 was closed. They had every reason

Eight Easy Ways to Build Your Personal Brand Online

The idea of personal branding can be overwhelming or daunting, but once you start getting out there, you might be surprised how your referrals will grow and your online presence will spread.

Your Service Department and Video

Why does video work? Since we, as humans, are physically hard-wired to respond to movement, the pitch of voices, and body language, all of which create strong emotional connections, video accomplishes this.

SEO and SEM: Working Better Together

With the ability to create a full encompassing digital strategy that is effective and trackable, my hope is that dealers will begin to see how spending their advertising dollars should change to meet consumer behavior using data.

Get Your Blogging on Track With the Three B’s of Blogging

If you’re already blogging for your dealership, great! But are you doing enough to make it memorable to your customers? I came up with some rules for quality blogging that will help you break the viral content cycle and turn your blog into a real marketing tool.

Click or Treat: Three Ghoulish Tricks for Better PPC Results

All advertising inspires additional online research. The challenge is how to influence consumers as they enter keywords and navigate through search engine results. Text ads are just one of the many moving parts in a successful PPC strategy — but they are an important component. A combination of PPC best practices and creativity will lead

Don’t Just Target – Video Retarget for Better Campaign Results

Retargeting is a hot trend in online advertising these days. Retargeting (also known as remarketing) campaigns serve ads up to customers who have previously engaged with your Website. When customers leaves your Website, retargeting ads appear to them as they travel around the Internet. The purpose is to keep your brand and products in front