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Three Hidden Problems That Damage Service Retention and How to Fix Them

As a manager, you know your service department inside-out. If there were a problem with your processes or your team, you’d know. Wouldn’t you?

Stop Offering Test Drives!

Attention all auto dealers: If you are looking to increase your bottom line in 2017 by saving your way into a profit…stop offering test drives. The costs associated with customer’s test driving your inventory can be astronomical, from the fuel to the insurance.


Know the qualities you want in the products that come to work for you — and get the best candidate. ​ The decision to bring in new hires for your business is almost always the result of growth: more tasks to accomplish, more locations to serve, more expertise needed. Once you’ve identified the areas requiring


Running a car dealership has been and always will be challenging; but several workforce trends in 2017 will make it even more challenging for dealers who insist on doing “business as usual.” An improving economy, changes in organizational structure and customer expectations are at the root of these trends. As always, the ability to embrace

Three Trends That Are Revolutionizing Automotive Internet Marketing

Marketers know that a shift in customer behavior brings challenges in targeting the right audience. According to a recent survey published in The Wall Street Journal, 2016 marked the first time that consumers bought more products online than in physical locations. Respondents said that 51 percent of their purchases were made on the Internet, compared

DATA MINING: A Goldmine for Your Dealership

What would you do if you knew you could trade keys with approximately 20 percent of the customers in your DMS right now? You’d contact them and make some sales. To put it simply, if you’re not tapping into the valuable data you already have access to, you’re actively turning down sales. ​It seems like

GET REAL: Five Ways to Show Your Customers You’re Undeniably Authentic

Authenticity. It’s a word that’s tossed around a lot, but what does it really mean for your brand, your consumers and your bottom line? As it turns out, quite a bit, actually. Consumers are adamant that the businesses they support convey a genuine sense of self, communicating their missions, as well as the ways their


It’s been said that you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink; the same applies to getting employees to live up to their full potential. While I agree that there are those who won’t, the vast majority will — provided you do your job and do it to the best

Build a Repeat Customer Base to Build for the Future

Bill Stasek Chevrolet, located in Wheeling, Illinois, is the largest Corvette dealer in the Midwest as well as a Chevrolet Business Elite dealer. Brothers Bill and Bob Stasek have worked together for years to achieve this. They have developed dealership processes and have built a dedicated team who pays special attention to every customer’s needs

Look Around and Be Thankful

Many things have changed in the auto sales landscape over the years, but one thing hasn’t: This business is made up of people. That’s something we must never lose sight of, and that we must never take for granted.