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AutoAlert Teams With Conversica In Ongoing API Push

The announcement is the second in as many weeks, indicating how quickly the team at AutoAlert is willing to move to integrate its CXM platform with strategic partners.

GO PRO: How to Harness the Power of Proactivity and Transform

After years of positive growth, the automotive industry is still adjusting to the current trend of declining consumer demand. What lies ahead may still be uncertain, but savvy dealers understand the need to confront the current sales environment by optimizing operations, increasing customer satisfaction and mining for new revenue streams.

The critical element to achieving those goals? Taking a proactive approach. Today’s most successful dealers aren’t waiting for opportunities to come to them. They are actively hunting down new ways to increase profit and decrease costs to push growth despite the challenging conditions. Read on for a closer look at the power of proactivity and how the approach helps dealerships thrive.

Podcast: Minding the Database Gap at Your Dealership

VinSolution’s Shelli Clark speaks with us on minding the database gap at your dealership.

Data Segmentation: The Secret to Customer Satisfaction and Retention with Special Guest Mo Zahabi 

Published February 28, 2017 ​The auto industry’s rapid growth may be drawing to a close, but there’s no reason to panic if fewer new customers come through your door. Your existing customers are a gold mine of opportunities. If you can identify which customers in your database are ready to interact with you, you can

Three Reasons Modern Customers Need a Modern Sales Strategy

Today’s customers have unique expectations. But if you shift your sales strategy, you can meet all of them and close more with modern buyers.