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Vision Dealer Solutions Releases VisionTouch Updates

VisionTouch works on any touch device and allows up to three modes: Customer, Sales and Finance.

LTF and STF Fuel Trim Feedback Loops: Rich, Lean and in Between

Air/fuel ratios can range from 13:1 to 22:1, but no matter what the ratio, there’s a fuel trim cell that addresses them.

Kentucky Dealership Puts Customers First

AutoSuccess sat down with Glenn’s Freedom’s Nathan Stahl, the general manager and operating partner, and Casey Dalton, the dealership’s service director, to learn more about the improvements they’ve made in Service and Parts and how they achieved an additional $400,000 in additional gross profits year over year.

Are You Spinning Your Wheels in Owner Retention?

It’s time for you to get committed and start holding everyone accountable for their individual performance to get on track for making this your best-ever year in fixed operations.

The Big F&I Squeeze — Challenge Creates Opportunity

Dealer-arranged financing and the sale of owner protection products have met the needs of millions upon millions of car buyers — and generated additional income for dealers — since the first F&I department opened its doors. But times have changed.

Why You Should Be Optimistic About Fixed Ops

Retail service traffic is increasing and net profits are improving. Great news for us all! My concern is this: What are you going to do with the additional service customers?

Give Your Advisors the Foundation They Need to Build Success

As a professional trainer, Sally Whitesell’s goal is to help you increase production, retain customers and employees and boost CSI. Yet she often notices that the foundation needed to build these wins aren’t in place. Here are some crucial questions to ask yourself to ensure your advisors have the foundation they need to build success for your store.

How to Design a Fixed Ops Marketing Plan

Now is the time to evaluate your fixed operations marketing plan for 2020. Remember to give all of your customers reasons to keep coming back and they will reward you with big dividends.

Why You Need a Fixed Ops Sales Team

Train your fixed ops sales team on the Road to a Sale and you will see your customer pay traffic increase, your CSI will be above average and your net profits will definitely beat last year’s.

The Key Performance Metric for Service Profitability

The legendary golfer, Bobby Jones, summed it up so well: “If you fail to get the proper kind of instruction, no matter how much you practice, you’re only going to get better at making yourself worse.”