Chris Saraceno - Vice President & Partner of the Kelly Automotive Group
The Theory of 5: What We Receive from Mentoring

Once we have gained our own wisdom from our experiences, it’s time to give back what we’ve been given to someone coming up behind us. We do this not only because it’s the right thing to do but because that’s how we continue to grow, improve and hold ourselves accountable. By being a mentor to others, we both encourage others and allow ourselves to keep growing.

The Theory of 5: Failure Is a Part of Success

Very few of us are good at an activity the first time we attempt it. We learn by trial and error. We make an attempt and we find out what works, what doesn’t and then, armed with this knowledge, we try again.

The Anti-Mentor: Blueprints for What Not to Do

It’s your first week as a new salesperson at the dealership. You’ve been shown around, received some training and you’re excited by the potential you see in the career ahead of you. It’s lunchtime, and you’re alone in the breakroom when one of the experienced salespeople sits at your table.

The Theory of 5: Changing ‘Or’ to ‘And’

There are times in our lives when we seemed to be faced with a fork in the road and can only travel down one path. For example, “I can have a balanced life OR I can have prosperity.”

The Theory of 5: Pleasure Versus Pain

When we take short-cuts, apply “quick-fix” patches to problems without actually solving them we leave ourselves with a foundation that stands on very shaky ground, and won’t stand up to the challenges life will inevitably throw our way. Chris Saraceno shares four behaviors that have allowed him to build a foundation that has not only sheltered him from life’s storms but has provided the tools to support his career, my goals and my life.

The Theory of 5: Youth and Experience

One of the principle foundations of The Theory of 5 is that, in order to reach our full potential, we need to seek out more experienced, knowledgeable people to coach us in areas where we’d like to excel. To fill this role, we usually look to people who are older than us or, in a co-mentoring situation, our peers. In most cases we overlook what a relationship with those younger than us can mean to our personal growth.

The Equal Treatment of Unequal Effort Will Destroy a Company

Leaders must be aware of the message they’re sending by how they treat team members. Everyone should be treated fairly and have the opportunity to grow.

The Theory of 5: Struggle and Strength

Searching for comfort is one of our strongest desires as humans. We tend to gravitate toward what gives us pleasure and recoil from what could cause pain. Most people crave contentment. Most want gratification.

The Theory of 5: Mastering Our Onboard Computer

The questions we ask ourselves during any event in our lives — consciously or subconsciously — determine how we think. How can you better form those questions so that you can solve problems, find solutions and build your career — and your life — into something you can take pride in?

The Theory of 5: What is Your Why? Finding the Real Reason Behind Our Goals

There’s no shortage of articles, videos, books, blog posts, podcasts and other material that share the importance for building profits and gaining wealth. “It will take focus, stamina, courage and determination to build our financial and business skills,” we’re told, “so let’s get started now!”

The Theory of 5: Mentoring: Leave Your Ego at the Door

Seeking guidance can be a humbling experience. When we ask for support in this way, we are admitting our knowledge and skills are inferior to theirs. They have the skills, habits and attitudes we would like to learn. We’re acknowledging that, at least in one particular area, they are our superior.

Podcast: Defining Success With The Theory of 5

Chris Saraceno, vice president and partner of The Kelly Automotive Group, joins us to discuss his new series in AutoSuccess, based around his book, The Theory of 5.