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5 Tips on Prioritizing Customer Relationships

Every day, dealers are tasked with managing hundreds of active customers who all have unique needs and circumstances. As a result, sales teams are left juggling these relationships, guessing how to prioritize customers and, ultimately, not converting as many potential customers to deals.

5 Most Important Parts of a Successful Direct Mail Letter

Creating a successful direct mail letter is as much about what you don’t write as what you do.

Drowning in Paper? Start Taking Charge of Your Processes

The day-to-day business of running a successful dealership is complicated enough without an ever-increasing mountain of filing boxes encroaching on your space and eating into your employees’ time.

2 Simple Tracks to Increase Your Survey Scores and Returns, I Promise

It’s not easy getting customers to return surveys these days. Usually, they consider it a waste of their time unless they are extremely impressed or extremely irritated by the service they received.

Staying Focused and Reinventing

When your dealership is facing stiff competition, the difference between success and failure comes down to two elements — standing out from the competition and building customer loyalty. To compete in today’s automotive industry, top dealerships must “reinvent the wheel” just to stay relevant in an aggressive market.

In the Weeds: Three Keys for Your Sales Game

So, let’s push the big, black chairs away from the desk, put the coffee or Red Bull down and get into the weeds for this month’s edition to discuss a few useful topics for those of us banging around out there on the blacktop. 

Traver Connect Announces the Release of its Fixed Ops Reputation Management Solution 

These reputation products aim to bolster review efforts for automotive service departments, which are typically outnumbered by sales department reviews. 

Diversity and Inclusion: Making Sure Every Team Member Feels Part of the Whole, Part 2

Dealerships with a diverse staff can offer service to their customers unlike any other. Bringing different people together to work on the same team, however, can provide challenges to leaders. With this round of the Dealer Panel, we’ve asked our experts how they work to keep everyone satisfied and pulling in the same direction.

Customers Want Easy — Just Ask Alexa

According to a recent Driving Sales Customer Experience Study, 56 percent of customers said they’d buy more often if the process was not so difficult, and 99 out of 100 buyers expect their car purchasing experience to be “hassle-driven.”

The Chatbot Won’t Save Your Business

Chatbots: the latest buzzword in the automotive industry. Effective solution or hype?

As all this talk about chatbots comes to the forefront of our lives, we need to take a hard look at reality versus science fiction. Right now, the machine-learning industry is the driving force of the chatbot ecosystem, while the technology world works toward the world of real artificial intelligence (AI).