October 2018 Archives - AutoSuccessOnline
Discovering Digital Retail Success

As the momentum behind digital retailing in the auto industry began to pick up speed a few years ago, Stephen Taylor Jr. and his father knew the time had come.

What’s Your Store Culture and How’s That Working Out for You?

Have you created a process-driven and engaged culture that creates the revenue you’ve dreamed of and knew you were capable of?

Human Resources: Monitoring Employees While Staying Within Legal Boundries

The digital age has made it possible to monitor nearly every aspect of an employee’s life, from reading email messages to tracking an employee’s physical location.

Why Champions Don’t Have Time to Procrastinate

If you’re a procrastinator, there’s a really good chance you’ll bookmark this article to read later. That would defeat the purpose. Sort of like that book “How to Improve Your Memory” that is nowhere to be found.

Bringing Your Service Department Into the Modern Age

Many service departments are still operating in the same manner that they were 10 years ago. Repair orders are being manually input into a dealership’s DMS, which, many times, isn’t connected to the dealership’s CRM.

Dealer Panel – Benefits Employees Appreciate the Most

Our Dealer Panel gives voice to dealers, GMs and sales professionals to share their experiences — sales techniques, new technology and ways to motivate staff — giving our readers the benefit of learning from their peers.

Hire Outside the Box

A recent automotive industry statistic projects that by the end of 2020, more than 75 percent of 30,000 technical jobs will not be filled. Now more than ever, we need to be wise about how and where we are focusing our recruiting efforts.

Are You Listening to Me?

One thing salespeople are always taught is “know your customers,” but what does that really mean? One of the most important services we can provide our customers is to listen to them. So why is it so hard?

The Theory of 5: Finding Guidance to Bring Out Your Best

Chris Saraceno has spoken to many groups about his theory and recently wrote a book on the topic (titled, of course, The Theory of 5). He’s witnessed the transformation both in his own life and in the lives of those around him who have taken this idea to heart.

Happy With Your Time to Line?

Time to line (T2L) is a must-have metric for every dealership, one a best-practices store cannot afford to do without or work from a guesstimate.

When Auto and Insurance Sales Collide on the Showroom Floor

In case you haven’t heard, insurance companies are placing their agencies inside dealerships across the country and within the nucleus of those dealerships an awesome collision of industries is occurring.

Using Caller-State Data for Lead Attribution

While measuring sales and service revenue by marketing campaign may reveal which campaigns are yielding positive ROIs and which are not, this approach doesn’t reveal why the campaigns are performing the way they are.