January 2018 Archives - AutoSuccessOnline
The Measurement of Success, Part 1

“Success is not permanent. The same is also true of failure.” – Les Brown In this magazine, we often discuss the goal of success — it’s literally in our title. For the next couple of issues, however, I’d like to take a look at the concept of success itself. In a recent podcast, we returned to some past guests

Leadership Development: Inspiring a Positive Culture

If your words and body language don’t match, it is quite possible you may be perceived as non-caring, inauthentic and untrustworthy. Unfortunately, without understanding this essential combination, you may turn people off.

Are You Managing Your A-Level Salespeople Straight to Your Competition?

Managers need to be held accountable for the development of their sales team. A revolving door for salespeople is not a recipe for success. The days of tossing 12 green peas at the wall and hoping a few stick are gone.

Does Your Dealership Have the Right Payroll Provider to Reach Your 2018 Goals?

When it comes to talent management, dealers have two main objectives: increase employee productivity and decrease expenditures. An integrated payroll and talent management platform can help you accomplish both by helping your business run more efficiently and cutting down on costs — including automating tax record-keeping and filing and reducing payroll fees.

Dealers Are Waking Up to the True Value of Their Customer Data and Sales Attribution Models

To reach these objectives, dealership managers will need to embrace change. There are new metrics and methods to determine which marketing channels are supporting the goals of the business. One of the changes managers will need to embrace, for example, is that metrics such as cost per click (CPC), impression share, bounce rate, and time on site (TOS) should not be included in the list of key performance indicators (KPIs).

Gone in 60 Seconds

We recommend that you develop a professional greeting for your stores. Train, role-play and have someone mystery shop to make sure your team follows through. After all, training for customer retention is a lot more cost effective than new customer acquisition.

Characteristics of the Most Successful Leaders, Part 3

The most successful leaders influence themselves and others to find and fulfill their purpose in life and at work.  In this series, we are sharing the 30 characteristics of the most successful leaders.

Up In a Down Market: Finding New Ways to Serve the Customer, Part 2

In this series of our Dealer Panel, we’re asking our panel how they prepare for a potentially cooling market, and how they are working to maintain their forward motion.

Car Dealers, Are We Stuck in the 90s? Live Chat at the Dealership 20 Years Later

It was the late 1990s, and the Internet was barely beginning to touch the automotive industry. We were in the midst of setting up our Website and a single computer to work the leads we would receive. I remember receiving some Internet leads via fax machine. We were all just starting to put it together.

On How Not to Get Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place

We’re entering a time again where that dangerous spot between that rock and a hard place is staring dealers in the face. The heat is already on, and some dealers are jumping out of the hot water and taking action. I fear too many will not, however, preferring to mush on until the water boils and it is too late.

Dealer Marketing Performance Metrics: How to Tell What’s Working

Every one of your marketing channels is raising their hand on linked sales saying, “Me, me, me, I get the credit!” If they can’t prove a direct sale, vendors should at least be able to prove influence.

How to Measure Purchase Intent and Manage Inventory Using Social Media

Marketers have learned to use these platforms to collect data, target customers and engage directly with them. Advanced technologies enable marketers to access vast amounts of information using tactics such as keyword performance metrics and attribution modeling