Dennis McGinn - Founder and CEO of Rapid Recon
The Impact Of Holding Costs On A GM’s Success

New analytics solutions now give dealership general managers much deeper insight into how much gross is being lost through their used car reconditioning processes. By using reconditioning software that creates daily reports on fundamental reconditioning benchmarks, GMs have at hand the data at the same actionable level they use for other decisions for controlling costs

One Tech, Two Tech —How to Correctly Staff Your Recon Operation

Want to run your recon department as a profit center for the dealership? Your goal should be to get retail-ready vehicles to the front line in three to five days at the lowest all-in cost. It’s a process to be managed — and managed well. One component of recon efficiency that dealers ask about is

A Lesson In Accountability In Best Buy

If you’ve followed my columns about reconditioning best practices, you know my drumbeat is time-to-market (TTM) frontline readiness, workflow and accountability, all which describe nonnegotiable processes for turning recon operations into a profit center for the dealership. ​ Dealers using reconditioning workflow software to reduce their TTM or cycle time to three to five days

The Essential Fabric That Helps Transform Recon Centers: How to Weave Threads of Commercial Into a High-Energy Reconditioning Fabric for Success

Those who study my ideas about how to transform reconditioning know I promote speeding up time to market (TTM), reducing holding costs and centralizing recon operations. I’ll review those fundamentals shortly. First, though, an argument for the essential fabric. This is the one asset — perhaps more than any other — that can upgrade recon

The Seventh-inning Stretch In Recon’s Race For Relevance

If the history of vehicle reconditioning were a baseball game, it’s now the seventh-inning stretch. Anyone who’s sat through six-and-a-half innings in stadium seats knows its function — to stretch, catch one’s breath, and prepare for the game’s final critical innings. Dealers have been playing recon for many long innings now, and frankly, their teams