Veterans & Vehicles: Bryan Bledsoe

2021 Honoree

Bryan Bledsoe (Army)

One Guard Inspections

How has your military experience influenced your career in the automotive industry?

The experience gained in the military has impacted every segment of my post-military career. The training and lessons taught in the military are easily applied to the civilian sector. Core army values such as duty, integrity and respect apply just as much in the automotive industry as they do in the military. Additional skill sets such as dealing with adversity and perseverance have allowed me to navigate several business ventures to a successful outcome.


What are some of the ways you have seen the industry support veterans?

I’ve been blessed to have joined an industry that holds veterans in such high regard. In my professional experience, I’ve found that the automotive industry is among one of the most patriotic industries in our economy. I’ve seen several types of automotive industry-led initiatives that have sought to promote the wellbeing of veterans. Golf tournaments in support of veteran charities, veteran-centered hiring programs and direct donations to veteran support charities are just a few I’ve come across. Furthermore, I’ve seen dealerships, service centers and warranty companies go out of their way to assist veterans in need.


Give one piece of advice for veterans entering the industry?

Perseverance. This is the same piece of advice I offer anyone entering the industry or starting their own business. Perseverance is the key to any successful personal or professional venture. All industries but especially the automotive industry will throw its share of hurdles at you. So, my best advice is to keep your head up and soldier on.