Don Reed Archives - Page 6 of 8 - AutoSuccessOnline
How One Service Advisor Can Cost You $144,000

The bottom line is this: Everyone needs to be properly trained how to always put your customers first.

How ‘Sleepy’ Is Your Service Department?

After you check out your service department you will find the problem areas that need to be addressed and possibly form an action plan as to how you can make a difference in the upcoming months.

How To Compete With The Aftermarket

New car dealers generated about $52 billion in labor and parts sales. As anyone can see, the aftermarket has more than five times as many locations as new car dealers which makes them more Convenient for the customer.

Performance-Based Service Pay Plans

Train them on how to sell, and them compensate them based on their efforts. Remember, if a good salesperson wants a pay raise he simply looks in the mirror and asks for one.

Is Your Customer Retention Costing You Opportunity?

Are you losing existing customers at about the same rate as you’re adding new ones? Do the math in your store and compare last year’s RO performance to this year’s. Is your traffic going up, going down or remaining stagnant?

How To Grow a Fixed Ops Sales Team

Establish your sales goals for all departments and outline your plan for implementation. Think big and be bold! Measure everyone’s performance daily.

If It Ain’t Broke – Break It!

Something exciting is about to happen to your employee retention, which will result in ongoing owner retention.

How Incoming Calls Can Ruin You

It’s called owner retention and the best way to retain a customer is to provide them with the highest level of service possible and to always exceed their expectations. That usually begins with a phone call.

How to Maximize Your Dealership’s ROI

Some of you will take the approach of “saving your way into profitability” by vowing not to increase your expenses, but you remain willing to make investments every day of your business life. Let’s consider some examples.

Getting Rid of That Demarcation Line

The top issues that we consistently experience, year after year, are the strict accountability standards for the sales operations and the lack thereof for the service and parts operations.

How to Put the 80/20 Rule to Work for You

For most of you, a net profit at 20 percent of gross profit in your service department and 30 percent in your parts department will make this your best year ever in fixed operations.

How To Get Service To Pay The Way

Set realistic goals for them, coach them daily and get them professionally trained on how to be a salesperson (advisor).