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Today, dealers are more confused about their digital strategy than ever. Their digital footprint looks fine from afar, but up close it’s fragmented and the dots are not connected. They employ multiple vendors to provide programs and services, but fail to deliver a unified message across marketing platforms. There’s information overload regarding Big Data. To

“Where do we start?” – Video Strategy 101 

Ted Dupuy National Accounts Flick Fusion Published December 15, 2016​ ​Many dealerships are implementing video into their marketing strategy, and in doing so, are reaping the rewards. In addition, there are many dealerships, like yours, that understand the importance of implementing video but the thought of adding yet another layer of process to an already

2017 Marketing Strategy Guide: 4 Components                 to Success

Automotive marketing and the consumer’s path to purchase are constantly evolving. Using the strategy you started 2016 with is not going to cut it come January. There are four key areas to success that must be at the forefront of your planning for 2017. ​ Read our entire issue – Click here ​ 1. Website Your dealership

Three Tactics To Beat The Competition When Automotive Sales Decline

Automotive News recently reported that September 2016 sales fell about 2 percent, a decline for the second consecutive month. J.D. Power and LMC Automotive reported that this is the fifth month in the past seven to show an overall retail sales decline. As we head into the final quarter of 2016, auto dealers are understandably nervous that they

Mastering the Digital Phone Up

I personally work with some of the top dealers across the country and speak to, consult with and present to hundreds of others. I see a common thread of concern on the decrease of lead form submissions.

How to Engage and Win the Lucrative Millenial and iGenerations

Imagine you send and receive as many as 3,000 text messages a month, but make and receive fewer than 150 phone calls. Imagine you read reviews on blogs and other social media platforms before a purchase instead of asking the opinions of friends or family. Imagine you share virtually everything that happens in your life

Don’t Just Target – Video Retarget for Better Campaign Results

Retargeting is a hot trend in online advertising these days. Retargeting (also known as remarketing) campaigns serve ads up to customers who have previously engaged with your Website. When customers leaves your Website, retargeting ads appear to them as they travel around the Internet. The purpose is to keep your brand and products in front

Four Tips on Making Sense of Social Media

So, if it’s inevitable, why not embrace it and see what it has to offer? Much like boarding a boat pulling out from the dock, however, you need to get in or stay out; one foot on the boat and the other on the dock is not a position for success.

Podcast: Getting Employees to Reach Their Potential

James Ochner, GM of I-10 Toyota, talks with us about getting dealership employees to live up to their full potential.