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Tools for Managing Your Financial Portfolio

How’s your financial portfolio performing these days? How would you know unless you have access to detailed reports illuminating for you each fund’s performance? Don’t you want to know how your investments are doing overall as well as compared to the market?

How Much Should You Invest in Your Time To Line?

How much money are you spending to manage your time to line (T2L) — the days it takes to get cars from acquisition through recon to sales-ready status?

Short Circuits Disrupt Used Car Profitability

Suddenly, an entire wall of our bedroom had no electrical power. I checked for flipped circuit breakers in the central junction box, but all looked proper. So, to “fix” the problem, which I presumed was a short in the ceiling fan, I climbed onto the bed and, wobbling, pulled the fan housing to check for loose wires.

Happy With Your Time to Line?

Time to line (T2L) is a must-have metric for every dealership, one a best-practices store cannot afford to do without or work from a guesstimate.

It’s a Jungle Out There, So a Little Obsessiveness Doesn’t Hurt

Ever watch the offbeat TV police procedural “Monk,” about obsessive-compulsive private eye Adrian Monk? His twitchy investigative style helps him “see” patterns and connect dots that escape others, and he always solves the case.

7 Calibrations Necessary to Improve Used Car Profitability

Do your buyers and appraisers know how to buy and appraise, so the vehicles they acquire contribute and do not detract from your retail profit potential?

A Bonanza Seeking Investors

T2L is “time to line,” a profit-improvement strategy built on a complete cloud-based platform for managing the time it takes to get used cars from acquisition through reconditioning and to the sales line, or at least to where you know what price to accept to cover recon costs and make money.

On How Not to Get Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place

We’re entering a time again where that dangerous spot between that rock and a hard place is staring dealers in the face. The heat is already on, and some dealers are jumping out of the hot water and taking action. I fear too many will not, however, preferring to mush on until the water boils and it is too late.

Time to Line is Great News for Changing Times

I’m talking to the choir here, but auto dealers are champions of making lemonade from lemons, and you’ll need as much of this optimism as you can grasp going forward.

Increased Profit with Modern Workflow Technology

Dennis McGinn explains How to Increase Profit with Modern Workflow Technology.