Car Dealership Service Department
An Unlimited Source for Pre-Owned Inventory: The Service Drive

Why are used vehicles in higher demand than other pre-owned vehicles in the market?

An Unlimited Source for Pre-Owned Inventory: The Service Drive
Throttle-By-Wire Diagnostics

Throttle-by-wire systems proactively manage the air and fuel going into the combustion chamber.

Knock Sensor Diagnostics

The knock sensor is not the only sensor responsible for detecting engine knock.

Establishing Reliable CAN Communication for EV Charging Systems

To get the most out of EV charging systems, there must be reliable communication between EV charging stations.

Changing Seasons … and Tires

Changing temps can wreak havoc on roads, increasing the chance to damage tires. Premium used tires are an affordable solution for your customers in a variety of situations.

Battery, Charging & Starting System Diagnostic Tools

Electronics have advanced so dramatically over the last 20 years that you must have modern equipment to keep up with it.

Tackling the Dilemma of Service Scheduling Calls, Part 2

A multi-intelligent AI platform can help dealers optimize both their customers’ time and their staff’s productivity.

4 Ways Dealers Are Failing to Mine the Service Drive

Mining the service drive doesn’t have to be labor-intensive and it can provide an incredible return when done properly.

Jaguar Land Rover Chooses Redline Detection’s Leak Detector for Global Tool Program

The BCLD is used during battery maintenance in or out of the vehicle, after battery exchange, after collisions, during preventive maintenance, and after any torsion such as towing or lifting the vehicle. This ensures that EV components are safely sealed against potential water or debris intrusion. 

What Dealers Need to Know About ADAS Systems

The more efficient a piece of equipment is at placing ADAS components around the vehicle, the shorter the ROI becomes.

OpenRoad Auto Group Follows the Facts to the Money

The team has spent the last year putting reconditioning solutions in place for getting used cars frontline ready faster.

Tackling the Dilemma of Service Scheduling Calls, Part 1

Most appointment scheduling processes are inconsistent, increasing customer frustration. What can be done about it?