Women at the Wheel 2023: Sandy Moon

2023 Honoree

Assistant Vice President of Auction Services and Records
NextGear Capital

What is one of your proudest accomplishments of your career?

I get a thrill every time I have the opportunity to build something new. Working with a team to create the right processes and ensure operational sustainability is always exciting and produces a sense of shared pride when the project is complete. My proudest accomplishment was centralizing our titles business from 60+ branches across the U.S. and developing procedures to operationalize a corporate department to handle the work those branches received every day. It’s been over a decade since centralizing the titles group, but I am still extremely proud to lead that group for NextGear Capital, better serve our clients and eager to see what the future holds.


What is your best advice to other women who want to excel in the automotive industry?

Never doubt your leadership abilities or your know-how to take on the responsibilities of your position. From my experience, women tend to sway toward “imposter syndrome” when they are successful. Always believe in yourself and know that your expertise is valuable to your company and the automotive industry. Have faith in your skillset and trust that you can make a positive impact, no matter what room you are sitting in and no matter what position you hold.