Champions of Charity: We Auto

2022 Honoree

We Auto

We Auto Habitat for Humanity

How does helping others factor into the culture of your business?

Helping others ties directly into our business through our core values. Our core values are C.A.R.I.N.G, the C stands for community-focused. Before anything else, we want to give back to our community in any way we can. We encourage all team members to get involved in our charity events and live out our core values during their work and personal lives.


Please share with us the causes that are important to you and your business.

The causes that we hold near and dear include but are not limited to reducing poverty in our community, providing and ensuring food security, and animals. We demonstrate this by partnering with our local Humane Society (Huron Valley), Alpha House (which provides housing for families with children), Food Gatherers and more.


How do you encourage your team members to get involved?

We encourage our team to get involved by providing a positive culture around volunteering. We make our events/outings fun and look at them as good team-building opportunities on top of just volunteering for a good cause. At the end of the year, we award and recognize the person with the most volunteer hours. As silly as it is, we have found that our volunteering T-shirts have become an unintentional incentive to volunteer as well.


What do you look for in a cause to determine if you will get involved? What advice can offer to others?

When looking for a cause to work with, education is extremely important and, above all, we love to support education for children. We look for organizations that allow us to financially support them but also allow us to be hands on and work side by side. Ultimately, if our community and members of our company are passionate about a cause, we are likely to contribute.