Champions of Charity: ProMax

2022 Honoree


Promax habitat for humanity charity

How does helping others factor into the culture of your business?

When you’re asking people to work hard and give 100% effort daily, it is essential to provide a positive work-life balance for them. The environment at ProMax promotes a culture of supportive, intelligent and talented individuals who are very dedicated to making our company a success. The more successful we are, the more we try to redirect our energy back into the team and to helping others — the other members of the team, our clients, our community. We know by encouraging our team to put others first, the result is always very rewarding for both personal and professional success.


Please share with us the causes that are important to you and your business.

Ensuring we give back locally is the most important part. The causes we have been most drawn to support are for our veterans, children, animal shelters and the elderly in our community.


How do you encourage your team members to get involved?

We have a philanthropy committee that is comprised of volunteers from different divisions in our company. Each quarter we collaborate and discuss which local organization we want to support. Because the recipient of the quarterly fundraiser has been chosen by our team members, we typically see a great response, because we know it means something to them personally. We also always plan a fun, all-company event on the last day of the fundraiser to celebrate the team and highlight the results of the fundraiser. This celebration event has ranged from fall carnivals, putting managers in a dunk tank, lip-sync battles, trivia nights, bowling/laser tag, etc. There is always a lot of food, drinks and laughter and we make a point to vocally remind our team how appreciated and valued they are.


What do you look for in a cause to determine if you will get involved? What advice can offer to others?

We look for under-supported organizations, or those that will benefit the most vulnerable: homeless shelters, the children’s hospital, pet shelters, Habitat for Humanity, the local food bank, etc. During the holidays, we also always select a senior community and do an entire Christmas event for them. Gifts, entertainment and basic life necessities like blankets, kitchen equipment, towels, books, toiletries, clothes, etc. Each resident receives a gift and then they are able to go into the “store” and select any items they might want for their day-to-day lives. Our most recent fundraiser in July supported all the school districts in our community where we donated school supplies and backpacks.

Don’t wait to get involved. You’ll be surprised how many people respond positively to the idea of supporting charitable organizations. Empower your team and let them decide who to support and they will be more likely to participate because of personal connections. You can also always check with your Chamber of Commerce to see who is in the most need if you’re not sure where to start. The important part, is just to start!