The Theory of 5 Archives - AutoSuccessOnline
The Theory of 5: Youth and Experience

One of the principle foundations of The Theory of 5 is that, in order to reach our full potential, we need to seek out more experienced, knowledgeable people to coach us in areas where we’d like to excel. To fill this role, we usually look to people who are older than us or, in a co-mentoring situation, our peers. In most cases we overlook what a relationship with those younger than us can mean to our personal growth.

The Theory of 5: Mastering Our Onboard Computer

The questions we ask ourselves during any event in our lives — consciously or subconsciously — determine how we think. How can you better form those questions so that you can solve problems, find solutions and build your career — and your life — into something you can take pride in?

Podcast: Defining Success With The Theory of 5

Chris Saraceno, vice president and partner of The Kelly Automotive Group, joins us to discuss his new series in AutoSuccess, based around his book, The Theory of 5.