Marketing Solutions Archives - Page 18 of 26 - AutoSuccessOnline
Auto Retail Advertising and Risk

All car dealers are exposed to two inherent and interrelated forms of risk, creative and financial. In managing risks, what all successful auto retailers have in common is having the capacity for both and a willingness to periodically step outside the comfort zone to take calculated risks, probe opportunities and seek greater gains.

Bull is Here, Bear is Coming. Are You Prepared?

Bear is coming because bear is always coming, and we all know it. Historical evidence shows us that market adjustments are always just one step off the unsuspecting cliff.

Putting It All Together: Artificial Intelligence 101

Everyone knows that AI is the future. It will drive us around in our cars, predict the next natural disaster and find the cure for cancer. But what can AI do right now to make our lives easier?

When to Increase Your Ad Budget

Boosting reach generates brand-new prospects — a fresh set of eyes, ears, hearts and minds. The best time to expand reach is when competitors contract.

Rethinking Rewards Cards

Instead of looking at rewards cards as just more work, put yourself in the customer’s shoes. Get creative, drive more business, the sky is the limit if you become as engaged in the program as you want your customer to be.

9 Reasons Why Direct Mail Helps Dealers Win Customers

Automotive dealers, like you, have a tough job when it comes to customer acquisition. With so much competition for prospects’ attention, it can be difficult to start a relationship with them.

What Really Drives Automotive Sales?

Despite the advancements in online technology, I believe the general premise of selling cars is still the same today as it’s been for decades. A dealer can only increase sales in two ways; they can either accelerate business within their own customer base or conquer the competition’s customers.

How do You Create the Ideal Customer Base to Market To? Ways to Build the Audience You Want from Scratch

We, in the automotive marketing industry, toss around the phrase “customer base” a lot, but have you ever stopped to consider the power of knowing who you should market to — and then actually have the ability to market to them?

What’s Apping?

Mobile apps are about the customer. This is a great communication tool between the customer and the service department.

UTM Codes: What Auto Marketers Need to Know

If you’re an automotive marketer, you are likely already using Google Analytics to track the success of your marketing campaigns — factors such as traffic source and clicks.

Winning Internally: How to Implement Digital Marketing in the Dealership

It is 9:15 a.m. and you’ve glanced down at the Caller ID for the 12th time this morning. Checking your voicemail reveals an influx of digital vendors have been leaving messages in the last few weeks.

Subscription Isn’t Just for Selling Cars

Subscription marketing has been around for a long time; now it is even in the auto industry. Every week you see something about subscription marketing in another periodical.