Chris Collins - CEO of Chris Collins Inc.
Why Give Away My Brand-New Pick-Up Truck to a Service Manager?

Take a look at the fixed ops systems you have that are failing you, break the habits that haven’t worked and set yourself (and your store) up to succeed.

If You Could Have Any Advantage

When we sell them the car, we gain home field advantage. The greatest advantage anyone could want.

Podcast: Strategies to Help Grow Your Fixed Ops Department

Chris Collins discusses strategies to help your fixed ops department and why he’s giving away a brand-new pick-up truck.

7 Lessons I’ve Learned from Crying Employees

I never know what to do when employees cry, but it has helped me learn what kind of training they need in order to do their jobs better and help the dealership succeed.

Why Would I Give Away My Brand-New Pickup Truck?

When I see a service department losing money or an unhealthy dealership with low fixed absorption, I see a business with managers who are conditioned to lose. But Chris Collins is challenging service managers to take the first step in turning their departments into profitable businesses.